How to make your resume better
As a member of the recruitment team, reviewing through resumes sent by candidates is part of our daily operation, it basically tells the life story of a person. A resume shows about an individual’s educations, work experiences and achievements, it allows recruiters to understand what kind of skills and knowledges the candidates possess during applying for the jobs, so that can understand you first before screening process. A candidate may have all the qualifications to the applied job but there are no calls from the companies, that cause could be most likely coming from their resumes. But why is it important for candidates to polish it and use it as a tool for job hunting? Here are a few tips.Resumes can list down one of the most important details about yourself and they are experiences and skills, that information makes a difference as it can separate you from the rest of the candidates. You may have what others do not have and that is what exactly the company need, you are trying to “sell” yourself into the company and that attracts them to “buy” them. List down any work experiences that you done, it does not matter if it is just temporary or part-time.
Achievements matters! Candidates tend to forget putting down their awards, accomplishments, and such. Companies want to know what benefits you can bring to them and what solutions you managed to think of such as Top Sales Award of the Month, Top Performer or even Developed relationships with 200 Clients Internationally. It makes an individual more stand out and makes you a step closer to that job.
Now you have important information listed down but still no companies are contacting you for the jobs, it could be candidates trying too hard to make their resumes “too colourful”, this meant the font style and pictures. Avoid using fonts that are weird or hard to read, use one or two colours for the fonts is good enough, this is not a poster. Do always double-check your spellings after you are finished building it, many candidates often overlooked it and left a grammar error.
With some of these important basics down, you should be able to attract a good number of companies and we wish you all the best in your job hunting.