Contract Staffing

Contact staffing and temporary staffing

ASK Resources have a group of professionals that specialized in contractual staffing to companies who are demanding such manpower as we offer a list of only the best candidates who are most proper according to the requirement set by our clients. We strive to deliver flexibility and quality to companies with our large pool of database for getting the people with a set of guidelines followed. Since 2014, our contract staffing has been increased three-fold as we are currently one of the top choices for its services, our team have then continuously served with great responsibilities to ensure both MNCs and SMEs’ customizations are met. Companies often need contractual workers to help out in the lack of manpower and to fill up for peak hours, it reduces the need of hiring one or two permanent workers just for these occasions.

Source by Client

On boarding
Job Briefing
Staff Supervision
Staff Engagement
Employee Self Service Software
Administrative Support
Emergency onsite support

Source by ASK

On boarding
Job Briefing
Staff Supervision
Staff Engagement
Employee Self Service Software
Administrative Support
Emergency onsite support

Advantages of choosing us: